Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Day in the Woods

Today we (George, Russell, Ryan, Leah and myself) went to the Harold Alexander WMA to scout for hunting locations.... it was a nice morning in the woods. Ryan brought his girlfriend, Leah, home for the weekend....she was nice...we had a nice long walk and then Leah and I visited while the guys went on another trek.

It's 4 pm and we have had a nice day.... Ryan and Leah have gone back to Fayetteville and it's just the 3 of us again...and Tess of course.... and I'm thinking of taking a nap.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Days from Hell

A star is born somewhere out on the horizon....a bright shining star...until you look closely....then a good thing reveals itself to have flaws that are not supposed to be visible from afar. So polite, so sincere....yeah, right.... When a bunch of guys start singing in thier parents garage in high school and then work their way across North America singing and making a name for themselves and getting a CMA nomination, you would think they could buy thier own avacados (to make guac) and remember where they came from ....and not walk out on a bar tab....and gosh, what makes a sound crew guy think he has the right to gripe about our town, and the things we provide...I guess he forgot that we paid them to come....not the other way around.

Imagine for a moment a bunch or 5 year olds playing peacefully then suddenly they are not getting what they want...first one starts throwing a fit, then another one does, then another...and soon they are all whining and carrying on.... now turn those 5 year olds into grown men that want to be important but aren't....I had a day full of that... a bunch of men playing a silly game and getting mad about it when things don't go their way....and it was even their fault! I really thing the point of the day was to see who could be the biggest ass. I know the answer :-)

The point of both days was to do good for others.... and both events started and went well enough...until the ends...maybe I'm just tired and disillusioned....or maybe I'm just seeing it like it is.....don't know for sure, but I have an idea.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Robert Earl Day

I'm having a Robert Earl day....This has been a hectic day...I felt like I was running 90 to nothing and getting nowhere...always waiting on something, but in the hurry up hurry up and wait... I had a weak moment after work and indulged myself with a couple of new pieces of decor...just a cool bowl and vase, but I can't wait to try them out in the new office least one of them....I've been reading articles for class discussion and had this tranquil thought....Robert Earl Keen....REK..and who is this you ask...good question...but I really have no good answer...He's just a singer from Texas...but trust me....REK RULES! His website link is on my blog page....check it out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Award Day

Russell and Mrs. Lesley at the Izard County Fair Award Ceremony..... Russell got the Swine Herdsman belt buckle! We are very proud that he was chosen for this award!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


My friend Kim took this photo of me....I thought it turned out nicely.

These mornings are my favorite kind! Crisp and sunny...I think I wear my sunglasses more this time of the year than I do in the summer. It's Fair time....time for cotton candy, funnel cake, corn dogs, livestock shows, beauty queens, and the ferris wheel.......I can't wait for it to end. ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Day of Mourning

I'm sad today. I woke up to find that Dexter had died during the night. He has been a sick little goat lately. We would think he was better, then in a few days, he would be sick again. I had no idea that he was sick enought to die. He walked with me just yesterday, nibbled my nose and ears..showed me how much he loved he's gone and I'm sad. Rest In Peace little man.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Day of the Princess

This photo is for Kim and Karla...I keep telling you I'm really a Princess so I have to carry that Princess lunchbox.

This was at Mardi Gras World in New Orleans and I've been keeping it a secret from you both!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This Day

This makes me smile.....I can look at this running water and it just makes me want to take a deep breath and unwind.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Crazy Day

This is Sadie. She is the protector of our goats...she's almost as big as Tess now.
My blog today has nothing to do with Sadie...I just couldn't resist sharing her photo.

Today is a frustrating day! Why can't people do a little planning, especially when thier decisions effect others. And why am I saying people instead of saying my instructor...generalizing isn't nice is it... I'm catching up on the little things at work (yeah) and the little things for life (groceries, dog food, etc)...then I'm going to spend the weekend working hard on my homework (I promise I will...I won't even turn on the TV until my brain is dead and my eyes are blurry). In my next life (haha) maybe I'll see things differently :-)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rainy Day

What is this weather all about... our grill almost blew off the deck (amazing!)...since it's on wheels, the direction of the wind blew it along the deck...I found it with 1 wheel off the deck an one on the edge....our poor goats are soaking wet...and wet goats smell way worse than wet dogs ;-)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shopping Day

Back in the summer, I had a great shopping day with Belinda and her daughter Olivia. We're working really hard at training Olivia to be as good at shopping as we are :-).... We took little break, so she could practice her driving skills.

Labor Day

This weekend is the 9th anniversary of my first date with George. Our first date was at Lake Norfork, so we went out on the lake today....took Russell and his friend Lindsey with us... it was really nice....sometimes I can't believe that George has put up with me for this long! I'm just lucky, I guess.