Saturday, October 30, 2010

Peek a boo...where are you?

Gosh, I've been missing in action. I don't know what has happened to my blog. I really should be posting to it...there are things going on in my life...but I just don't seem to have the motivation to share much anymore. Hum....'s what is coming up in my life....

Taking the GMAT in November
The kids are all coming home for Thanksgiving
Lots of Christmas Shopping
Having Christmas celebrations with my family and George's family
Starting Graduate School in January and my freedom ends ;-)

Here's what has been going on....
We ordered a new bed...King maybe Tess and George won't squish me so much

We are selling our mule and horse...waiting for the mule to be sold before I sell the horse

Not really anything interesting going on...we're just living the life that we have made for ourselves and looking for the next adventure.

Maybe it won't be so long before I get back her to chat.