Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 3

So, we had all of the snow fall and then yesterday, I stayed in out of the snow...but I just couldn't do it again we went for groceries and when we got home it was time to play.

See, when you have the camera, you can put the blame on's the culprit...there is no proof that I was involved :-) HAHAHAHAHAHA

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 2

This was the view on day 2 of the snow. I took my camera with me to feed and got a couple of shots....

George is such a good husband...he shoveled a path on the porch and later he got the 4-wheeler out and made paths to everywhere that I go. I feed our animals (my choice) and so he made me a path from the shop to the horses and from the horses to the goats and back to the now I don't have to trudge through snow up to my knees. :-)

Hat was at the fence waiting for me this morning. He really stands out in all of this white wonderland.

I took a picture of Goldie and Hat eating their breakfast. They have a barn, but they won't stay in it out of the weather...they do use it some though. Have you ever seen a buckskin the color of Goldie right now...she's soooooo DIRTY!!!!

Tess loves to play in the was a little deep this moring :-)

I was lazy today. I watched the What Not to Wear marathon today, finally ironed my clothes (that means my hands are well enought to iron again). I really wanted to go to Little Rock but knew it really didn't make I surfed the web and chilled out.

I think I will have to get out tomorrow though...... :-)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Day

Today was a snowy day all across the state.... I got the phone call this morning that let me know that our school would be closed for the day. I stayed in bed and was lazy for a while...then I got up....I had promised myself that I would clean the house this weekend...or on the snow day if we got I had to get started....but first, I had to feed my horse and mule.

Tess and I went out and I though man, I'm already "truding" through the snow and it's 8:30.

Tess had to play in the snow some more but I had work to I threw the ball in the front yard and she played there and on the porch.

This is a photo of the snow falling taken from the front porch.....

Tess loves to play catch and matter the weather. She is on the porch here.

Here she is again...trying to decide if she wants to give me the ball again....or keep it for herself.
And another.....

George worked today, so after he got home (and of course he said the road was fine, not slick at all) we went for a drive. We didn't meet a lot of traffic but we did manage to get behind a couple of people that shouldn't have been out driving :-/.... Anyway... we didn't have any trouble at all and it was beautiful out there.... but apparently some people would say it was slick since we saw about 5 in the ditch.

This shot, through my window and side mirror, is of the snow flying up from behind the truck as we drove down the highway...

After we got back, I had to feed the animals. The trudging was much more difficult now. I waded through drifts up to my knees on the way across the yard..... Did get a 4-wheeler ride back to the house when George got done getting hay for the goats.

I haven't taken any photos of the final snowfall but I will tomorrow. It should be a beautiful white wonderland.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Days gone by.....

On this cold winter night, I sat down at my computer and thougth...I really need to update my blog..... however, I have not taken any photos recently...I've been letting my hands heal from carpal tunnel surgery...and thankfully they seem to be about healed! So, I though surely there is a photo in my archives that would be blog worthy tonight....

So....sitting here, wondering if the ice and snow will come....I came across this photo and thought this little guy deserved to make his debut on my blog....
One Sunday afternoon during the late summer, George and I went to Horseshoe Bend to do some early deer scouting. This guy landed on the window and rode back home to Brockwell with us. He had good staying power. I'm sitting here remembering that great summer afternoon and still wondering if the snow and ice will come our way.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


For some reason the horse and mule prefer to be in the yard than in their pasture. You can walk outside and they go to a gate in hopes of getting into the yard. I don't know why the like it more because it's fenced and gated as well, so they are still "not out". But....they do love the yard. They enjoyed some time relaxing in the sunshine over the weekend....

This is Goldie my Missouri Fox Trotter mare.

This is Hat. George's mule.

Here they are together.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hunter George

George and I drove over to a real estate auction this morning...then we went to Horseshoe Bend so he could do a little deer scouting. This evening he went hunting at our place and got a small buck. He came and got me before dark, so that I could take photos for him. I knew this meant he had a monster buck out there.... but he only wanted photos of the blood trail.....go figure...

Here's my Happy Hunter.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


WOW! It sure is cold outside. Tonight the horse and mule said that they needed more hay. I know....Horses can't talk...but I assure you Goldie let us know she was not happy with her current situation and wanted some attention. She paws at things when she wants George and I braved the cold to get a round bale from the hay barn and put it out...we also had to water the animals.'s an interesting tidbit to share...though it is a bit sad.... When I went to water the horses (I used this word to mean both the horse and the mule), I put the hose in the tank and then I switched on the light. Glad I did....there was a squirrel that had fallen in the tank and couldn't get was dead of course (which is the sad part) but it was a bit freaky to turn on the light and see something furry that I was not expecting....I got it out of the tank and it was frozen stiff.

I was really surprised that I didn't get any colder than I did while we were out there but I was bundled up pretty good....

Maybe tomorrow I'll have something better to post.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Dawn of the Day

This morning when I went out to feed the horse and mule, I was greeted with extreme cold and a beautiful sunrise. I had to grab my camera and go back outside for this one!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Home to snow

We enjoyed our trip to Memphis for the Liberty Bowl. It was FREEZING COLD....but we had a good time nontheless. Lucky for us, Doug (George's brother) and Hanna (Doug's wife) have some very nice friends that live across the street from the stadium...we enjoyed pregame in the comfort of their home...we also go to avoid the traffic after the game there as well. We met several nice people and had lots of fun.

This morning we had a late breakfast, went to Bass Pro (George got a couple of things and even bought me a new "trout" rod ;-) )and then we made the trip home...and guess what we found.... SNOW........

All of the local schools are closed for tomorrow but we won't know about Ozarka until in the morning...we don't have students tomorrow, so we'll see what they decide about staff.

One of the ladies I met this weekend is supposed to send me some photos that she took of us before the game... I of course forgot to get my camera out of the truck.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ten Years Today

Hello Blog - I've been absent for a while. You wouldn't think that it takes a special mojo to be able to sit down at the computer for 5 minutes and post something to a blog...but it does for me. Anything that is remotely creative is that way for me....and believe it or not...this is a creative outlet for me...(whether it seems that way or not).

So... guess what today is...guess...guess...guessssssssssssss.....It's my 10th anniversary! George and I got married 10 years ago to day at about 1:00 Jonesboro....Have to say it's the best decision I have ever made.

As you see, I'm not really the sappy type...I won't be going on and on and waxing poetic with romantic prose...but I'll just say.... It ROCKS to be MRS. GEORGE DUST.

Tomorrow we are going to Memphis to the Liberty Bowl Game..GO HOGS! We're looking forward to the game!
I never got around to posting any Vegas photos... so I thought I would drop a couple of those in today.

This is from the airplane on the way to Vegas....I am notorious for my "non-person" photos....and I love sky scenes. I loved being above and in the clouds.

This is a street scene...early one looks way different at night.

M&M World.... do I need to say more.....

The ceiling of the lobby of the Bellagio...I would have taken more photos of in the Bellagio of the living gardens but my camera batteries died and the spares were in my room.

So...there's a little shot of Vegas...I really didn't take that many photos :-)

I'm going to try to be more faithful to the blog than I have been lately.... see you this year!