Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hum......what a day

So, what makes a person be the kind of person they choose to be? If you are basically a good person, why do you have to put up with those people that are not basically good people? Shouldn't there be some kind of rule against being difficult just for the sake of being difficult.....oh, wait...I guess there is...it's your own humanity, isn't it.....or maybe not...


Unknown said...

I believe it keeps us basically good people on our toes! Striving to be better than good and less difficult.

Love your blog btw!
You could be the next Jack Handy with your Deep Thoughts! ;D

ncwdust said...

I am pretty handy with a jack.....how'd you know. :O

Karla Rush said...

Nancy, I love your new Blog. You are one of the 'good people'.
