Thursday, November 6, 2008

No mojo

My mojo is gone...I just can't get motivated to be interested in anything....I need a good energy boost....It's not like I'm not doing anything...I just don't care about doing anything...aahhh...this too shall pass....

My friend Kim mentioned the big Four-0 in her's looming ahead for just another month, I'll be hitting the big Four-0... and I'll also be completing my bachelors degree at the same time....I know I should be excited...and I am...can't you see me jumping for joy......I'm actually more relieved than excited...and dreading the big Four-0 as well.

Such a blah blog today.


Karla Rush said...

We all have those 'no mojo' days. Some of us have more than others! You're not one of those...

Unknown said...

I so feel you!
I have those quite often it seems.
I feel enthusiasticless sometimes.
(is that a word?)