Saturday, December 6, 2008

Parade Day...Great Day!

Ok, I know....I've already blogged once today...but....all my friends blogged about the parade, so I think I must as well!

What an amazing day it has been! I did those odd jobs around the house that no one wants to do before we left for the parade....went to the parade and rode in the Ozarka Sleigh with Karla....we had a ball throwing candy and even bouncing down the gravel road after the parade!..... and I've been playing kitchen goddess...made some banana bread and tried out an angel biscuit recipe...pretty yummy....(will make them next Friday for Dr. J's party)...George couldn't let me rule the kitchen though, so he made us some chili for tomorrow and fixed dinner as well! This freed me up to give scapping a shot....I worked for a couple hours and finished up my Cozumel vacation stuff that I had started back in the summer.....

This is really what these great winter days should be like!

Isn't it amazing that something you really love to do can intimidate I sound really loony?....I love to scrap, but I'm so overwhelmed by the skill of others (especially my friend Kim), that I don't think my stuff will be good enough....but....then I have to remember that it's my outlet and only has to please me....right....and who is my strongest critic? right....(of course I could name a person or two that probably are a litter harder on me than I am...haha) So, if I like it, even though it is so much simpler and symetrical than the lovely things I see from's an expression of me and my personality right....

Anyway......I got started and can't wait to do more!

Going to Bono tomorrow to celebrate my Dad's 65th was Dec. 5th


Unknown said...

You guys made great "floaters" in the sleigh. (that didn't sound like I meant for it too!) LOL

I cannot wait to see your spectacular & scrapwise!

Karla Rush said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! Hope Bono was fun....see you Tuesday.