Saturday, March 28, 2009

Never Say Never

OK, I thought this idea only applied when speaking about your children...but obviously, it applies at other times.

I swore I would never ever do wasn't going to happen...not me...I just would not do it..... but....alas, I did it. I did it last night.....I milked a goat.

Our nanny that lost her babies needed to be milked and we have a baby that needed some milk so....I ate my words.....and milked the goat....

How about this for a Friday night.... trim goat hooves, make goat feed a baby goat, milk the goat, go buy cattle panels in MH and then get dinner at Coltons....and then bottle feeding a baby goat.....bed....

1 comment:

Karla Rush said...

Sounds like you're a great rancher!