Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July Journey Daily

I'm joining my friends Kim and Joan in doing a July Daily mini book. This book has something in it for each day of July....sometimes it is just words and sometimes it is kind of scrapbookish. These photos are not the best but here's a little idea of what I'm doing. I hope to improve my skills with this daily project and make a little book of memories of my life.

Here's the cover....

July 1 - The first day of July...The Dawining of a Brand New Day for me in many ways... a new day in general...and a new beginning for Ozarka as the new President arrived.

July 2 - My life is simple. I enjoy a quiet simple life most of the time. I've become much calmer in my nature and enjoy things that I never would have thought that I would like. Such as picking blackberries....a yearly thing for me now.

July 3 - Picking Blueberries....like I said...I enjoy lots of things that I would have never thought about before....I picked Blueberries for the first time this day with some of my friends from work. It was a nice morning and we were done before it got good and hot. I also went for a ride on Goldie that afternoon with Fred and Karla Rush. George was supposed to go but he wasn't feeling good.

July 3 continued - Spending time with friends ....it's just really nice.

July 4 (this is a clear page so the color showing thru is my table) - I must have got what George had....I was sick until noon...then spent the afternoon in the house watching movies.....

July 5 - Today I felt good...so I worked in my garden....picked it, hoed it, tilled it and watered it....then Imade a trip to Wal-Mart for groceries ....and then George and I rode for a while...He rode Hat and I rode Wink....Goldie went along for the trip.

July 5 continued

July 6 - I'm doing a little/lot of reflection....all of the changes in my life at this moment cause me to think....I'm definitely not saying the changes are a bad thing but they are CHANGES.

Well...that's all for now...I'll post more as the month goes on.....

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