Sunday, October 11, 2009

The view from my mower

Sometimes I would do just about anything to be outside...and sometimes, things need to be done but they get put off...out of sight out of today, I rode my trusty Craftsman lawn mower down the driveway to mow around the entry of the driveway, the mailbox, and the trash container....I ended up pulling our weedeater on wheels down the driveway too so that I could get closer to the fence....I'm sure it was as interesting sight.....I took my camera with me for some reason...I guess it's because you always wish you had it with you when you don't take here's a shot of my driveway from the view of my mower while I'm bouncing up the road.... No, I didn't do the whole driveway...I guess I should :-)but I probably won't....

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