Monday, February 15, 2010

Catching up with my old blog

As you can probably tell from past blogs, the sky is one of my favorite subjects. On most regular days in my life, I go out the back door in the morning to feed Goldie and Hat. Our back door faces the sunrise so I have a great view every morning...some mornings are a little more colorful than others and offer a little more eye candy. This is one....

This view is a little more zoomed in and south east. (LOL...I had to ask George....directions and geography are not my thing).

My horse is such a princess...She has this regal air about her and I just love her so much. She either stops what she's doing and watches me while I'm outside or she acts like she doesn't know I'm there (for a little while).

We put a round bale of hay in the goat pen for the goats and they decided it was as much a toy as food.

Well, that's just a little bit that's going on at our place.

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