Monday, January 3, 2011

Time heals all wounds

Time heals all wounds...or so they say. It seems interesting to me that there are wounds that need to heal that seem, in my humble opinion, to be basically self-inflicted...yet someone else is blamed for the occurrence.

Self-infliction occurs when you "get what you ask for" know "what you deserve"...when you cross a line that in nice, normal, polite society it is not acceptable to cross....

The blame...well....I guess when one crosses a line that polite society wouldn't cross, then one wouldn't be expected to take responsibility for one's actions...would one...

I guess one also wouldn't expect to have a person respond to their inappropriateness either.....

Glad we have that cleared up.

1 comment:

Karla Rush said...

Wow...that's so profound. Time sometimes helps so I hope it does for you in this case. Happy New Year!