Sunday, April 18, 2010

One down, a million to go

This weekend was the first of our camping adventures. We spent the weekend at Lake Charles State Park at Powhattan. I's not too far from home....but it was a very nice park and a great test run for us and the camper.

Tess got to go fishing with us and she learned to watch the floater...when it starts moving, it's time to get excited. We caught enough bream for dinner but can't say that we were impressed with our fishing luck. Heard that last weekend was an awesome crappie weekend at that park.... we still had a great time and are already planning more adventures and even a return trip to Lake Charles.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Off focus

My blog has always been geared heavily towards goats. We have goats, so that makes sense but this weekend my camera turned itself toward cows....I really don't know why....two of my neighbors have cows and I see them every day...but they have never really been of any interest to me. However, this weekend they seemed more interesting. I took this photo last night after the calf caught our attention playing at the fence line. After I took some photos of the baby, I got interested in the Mom and the bull....but this was my favorite of the photos from last night because of the grass and the momma cow's face....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

So behind....but catching up now :0)

WOW! It's amazing that I was nominated by my friend Kim W for this award. She has an awesome talent for all things artistic and crafty and she shares so well...I'm pleased that she nominated me... (THANK YOU KIM)

She gave me rules for the award as well...and for all of you that really know know I'm such a rule's the rules...
And they are:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. (complete)
2. Copy the award & place it on your blog. (complete)
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. (complete)
4. Share 7 interesting things about yourself.

About me:
1. I really really love having goats.
2. I have just recently learned that I really love FRESH veggies and fruit so much better than the processed ones(and I'm 41...took me a while :-) )
3. I can wakeboard (not very good though)
4. I LOVE having the CUTEST shoes
5. I covet Kim W's photography skills but I'm too lazy to learn to be a good photographer...I'm so hit or miss
6. George and I color my hair
7. Animals really get to me

So there are some things about me....I've changed them multiple times while typing them... :-) Must always second guess myself...that would be #8 :-)

Now for a little catch-up...
There has been a lot going on with us this year and since March it has been pretty busy and it looks like it will be a busy one still. Ryan and Leah came to visit in early March. Nicole and Bri came to visit for their spring break (we took a day trip to Branson with them). We bought a camping trailer and had to go to Texarkanna to pick it up. We've been going to some Perryman auctions and getting the place de-winterized. I think we pretty much have some other things taken care of that weighed heavliy on us this year...maybe a few final t's to cross but pretty much done.... Russell is home for his spring break right now.

Nicole will graduate in May, Russell will graduate in August and sometime in between we should have a is a lot going on this summer....

Early in March we saddled Goldie and Hat and took them out for a little ride. It was time to start getting ready for the riding season. Goldie was a little high strung that day but not too bad. After we got back George worked on his rigging.

Today we took another ride and we saw the beauty of spring peeking through. This cow was drinking from the pond runoff. She let me get fairly close but there was a fence between us. Can you see the water dripping from her mouth. Sweet, huh.

Here's my pink dogwood's starting to open up. When we bought the house we didn't know this was in the front yard...what a great surprise when it opened up as we were moving in.

Here's a little moss that I saw growing in the just caught my attention and begged to be captured in a photo.

It is Easter and we chose to stay home this weekend. It is a beautiful day, though a bit windy on our hilltop. I spent most of the morning outside and I'm headed back out again. I know that I have "inside" things to do (like ironing) but they can wait until dark.

I hope to be more faithful to my blog and my blog reading again, bear with me and I'll keep you posted on our life.