Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Day of Mourning

I'm sad today. I woke up to find that Dexter had died during the night. He has been a sick little goat lately. We would think he was better, then in a few days, he would be sick again. I had no idea that he was sick enought to die. He walked with me just yesterday, nibbled my nose and ears..showed me how much he loved he's gone and I'm sad. Rest In Peace little man.


Unknown said...

Oh Nancy I am so should have said something. Our little animals are such a huge part of the family and it is just as hard to lose them I know.
At least Dexter had a good pampered life at the Dust Ranch for awhile.

Karla Rush said...

I am sad with you to hear about Dexter. You gave him much love and care while he was with you and I know you have some great memories. It's so hard when our animal friends leave us.

ncwdust said...

Thanks for the nice thoughts ladies.

Karla Rush said...

When I lost my Girlie last year (it's been almost one year now), I couldn't talk about it for a long time without getting all teary-eyed. It's so easy to get attached to pets because they love us unconditionally, no matter how bad our day has been or how messy our hair looks.