Sunday, February 28, 2010

Aimless Ramblings

Today I feel restless. I accomplished a lot yesterday and still hope to accomplish a lot more today but I just have a restless feeling floating around me.

In life, we are often exposed to situations and experiences that make us wonder about how those things could happen. It's disconsorting to me at times. I am a huge wonderer of I always feel the urge to ask questions...but I do try to control that urge. Of course George won't say that I'm successful at it (lol).

I had the best feeling this moring. Standing outside in the crisp sunny morning holding my little baby goat, Sidney, made me feel so content. He was so sweet and cuddly today. He's getting more used to me. I play with him some everday so that he knows me and hopefully stays friendly as he gets older. If you have never been around a tiny baby goat, you should try it. They are extremely cute. They have such individual personalities and they hop, bounce, jump, rear up and fall down spontaneously. I spend lots of time just watching the goats....they can always make me smile.

I also have this feeling with Tess.... at night, she gets on our bed and when George gets in bed, he makes her move...she comes to my other side and stands on the edge of the bed and waits for me to scoot toward the center. Then she lays down next to me as close as she can get...usually squishes me (she does weight 80 pounds) as she lays down. Then she snuggles in beside me. She'll put her head on my arm or my pillow and snuggle with me. It makes me feel very comforted. Isn't it nice to be loved so unconditionally.

I am supposed to be ironing right now. I don't really like it but I don't hate it either. I just really don't want to do it today.

Yesterday, I sorted my closet and took some of the "too large" items out of the closet. There weren't many but there were some. I haven't lost enough weight to need new clothes but I did have some that were too big now (YIPEE). Now I need to iron what I have and maybe pair up some different outfits :0).... almost like shopping...just in my own closet.

Hope you weren't too bored with my rambling...but I did warn you that it was going to be rambling today.

Peace to you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was restless yesterday.

I know exactly what you mean about the comfort of a pet...there is nothing else in the world like it!

Very very proud of you and your new fit self! You have inspired me to start Sparkpeople again.