Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Goat Day

Today, Susie the Goat finally had the babies that I've been waiting for....she was huge so I expected twins and maybe triplets....unfortunatley, she delivered two still born kids but she did have one that survived. He is small but he seems healthy.
This is the new mom, Susie.

Meet Sidney. This is the newest addition to the Dust farm. Isn't he a cutie pie. This is the first photo ever taken of him :-)

Here's another shot of the little man.

Here's Sidney in his new little heated condo (inside his Mom's house).

They have their own personal house and pen for a while so they don't have to worry about all of the other goats getting in their business.


Unknown said...

Sidney is precious! Bless her heart - she's probably sad about her brother/sister. :(

jeanie oliver said...

Hi there,
I read every new post, but I rarely comment on things. Just wanted to let you know that I drop by every day!
I'm sorry about the little ones that didn't make it for their chance to live on the Dust farm.

ncwdust said...

Thanks Jeanie.... you too Kim.