Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big sigh.....

Things sneak up on you when you least expect them. Some things, like bills and repair projects, and cleaning, etc....those kind of things... you know how it mow the yard and then you look up and realize that it needs it again...or you look at your garden one day and it looks fine....then two days's a mess....

Other things sneak up on you the sudden urge I had this week to go to breakfast with Ryan. When we lived in Tulsa and he was the only kid living with us, when George would go out of town, we would go out for breakfast before work/school. I thought of that this week and remembered how much I enjoyed it and wished that he was close enough so that we could sneak off to breakfast :-)

There are lot of other things that sneak up too... birthdays (ugh), pounds (oh no!!!), etc.. and of course they are not all bad......

It's really nice when someone sneaks up with a hug.


Sugar Kiss said...

Nice Blog
Please Follow!!

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