Thursday, January 22, 2009

This day

Today, I feel better... yesterday I felt bad... seems my family decided to share Russell's bug...of all things to share we had to do that...oh well...I'm the last one to have it so maybe we're done.

Today is the Board meeting...I'm a bit anxious to learn what decisions will be made. I'm not really worried, but I do work rather closely with the college Pres, so I have some changes coming no matter what.

Today is also the goat sale. I think we'll be loosing Carol and Andy tonight...and knowing George we'll get some to replace them...he's going to look at a Nubian nanny that is expecting....I really want us to have babies some time...those baby goats are so cute...and maybe a set born to us will let me play with them....

My class is going ok...I guess I have high expectations and expect my students to do what I would lack of attendance by some bothers me. I guess I'll have to award some serious attendance/participation points for this class.

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