Saturday, March 28, 2009

Never Say Never

OK, I thought this idea only applied when speaking about your children...but obviously, it applies at other times.

I swore I would never ever do wasn't going to happen...not me...I just would not do it..... but....alas, I did it. I did it last night.....I milked a goat.

Our nanny that lost her babies needed to be milked and we have a baby that needed some milk so....I ate my words.....and milked the goat....

How about this for a Friday night.... trim goat hooves, make goat feed a baby goat, milk the goat, go buy cattle panels in MH and then get dinner at Coltons....and then bottle feeding a baby goat.....bed....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big Honkin' Baby Goat

Check this out...Mable, our huge goat that has looked pregnant for about 10 months has finally had me some babies... They are so cute (of course, all baby goats are cute)....but anyway... one is a boy and one is a girl...the boy (all brown) is like the size of a baby elephant...he's huge...he looks like he's almost a month old....the girl is like mouse size...she's tiny... she has to reach up to be able to reach her mommy to eat. Here's a photo that was VERY SOON after she was born...she's still dirty here from rolling in the sand. She looks like her hair wants to curl...(her daddy's hair was like that but red). No names yet...I'll have to see them again to decide...they were still sleeping this morning when I fed, so I couldn't see their personalities at work.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm having a little bit of sadness in my normally quiet life. I have become very involved with George's little Goat venture and have really been excited about these new baby goats. Well, the first two, Lucy and Linus have passed on due to a problem on our little farm. I'm feeling so sad and sorry for the poor lost Mommy breaks my heart to watch her search for her babies...I'm not sure I'm cut out for the part of "farmer's wife". I'm having problems with not getting attached to the animals......

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Goat Baby Names

I've finally decided on the names of the new baby goats....

Goldie's kids are Lucy and Linus and Cybil's kids are Bonnie and Clyde.

Today I happened to have my camera with me (yeah me) when Wink was as the gate eating some hay....he was having the best time...and I got the craziest photo of him.....he looks like he's having a grand time....

He also had some fun rolling in my freshly tilled garden yesterday as well....

It was a beautiful weekend with all warm temperatures and glorious sunshine! It was great...and my truck even got cleaned too.

Spring time....brings lots of babies

Cybil had her goat babies yesterday evening. She had twins, one boy and one girl. They solid one is the girl. I haven't named them yet...they look so chocolatey...
Cybil is our lead goat..she is the most aggressive of them and she doesn't take kindly to the others messing with her babies...she is letting us get close to them but she watches very carefully.

Baby Boy

Baby Girl

Ninny our friendliest goat sounds like she's about ready to have hers....we'll just have to wait and see...she was pregnant when we got her, so we don't know when her kids will come.

I just want to sit here and blog and share all the photos of my goats but the sunshine is calling !!!! I rode Wink for a while this morning. Goldie got ridden was an interesting morning. Now for some more sunshine! More goat saga later.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Goat Granny

Woke up this morning to a surprise... Goldie the goat had her far all I know is that she has twins...don't know the sex of either yet....Here's a couple of photos. George had about given up on having goat babies.....but alas...some have arrived.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fishin' with the Brit

George and I had a great day on the White river up above Cotter on Sunday with Rob, an associate of George's. We caught several fish...and the fishin' was really nice when the sun broke thru the clouds.

Here's Rob with his first trout ever.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Day that Wink Came

Meet Wink..... He's a registered Paint...Strawberry Roan with a Piebald face, blue eyes and white socks. He came to live with us today. I'm really excited about him. I met him last fall and really liked him then...he's only 3ish...but so well behaved. Isn't he beautiful.

Don't you just love the blue eyes.

Here we are together...I was getting some fertilizer for my garden :-) and the horses had to hang out with me.

Goldie is great...sometimes she has a little she's maybe just a little too good to hang out with you. Well, since Wink came home, she spends a lot of time being close to us. She keeps an eye on him and tries to make sure she's blocking his path to us. It will all settle down and work out...they seem to be getting along fine. Someone has to be in charge and I think Goldie is planning for that someone to be her.

I'm loving having horses...and can't wait to start doing some riding in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Excitement awaits.....a decision must be made

For those of you that are involved in my horse life, you probably know what this statement means.....

Wink is for sale!

I'm so excited....Wink is for sale and I'm thinking that George is going to buy him for me. He's a paint gelding...not a big horse...probalby about Goldie's size.... and he has blue eyes. I met him when I went on the first trail ride back in the fall and fell in love with him then. He's beautiful and so well behaved. We've been looking for another horse ......

We'll see ;-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Great Weekend

Wasn't it a beautiful weekend! All that lovely sunshine and the warm weather...absolutely delicious. I had tons of fun this weekend...had a nice birthday dinner for Betty at Gaston's on Friday night, enjoyed the track on Saturday and did some "sight seeing" today with George when we went to look at a horse. The horse was nice and calm but not exactly what we were looking for. If you need a young horse that is calmer than calm (maybe for the grandkid)Fancy/Rose might be one to check on.
Here's a photo from Bull Shoals Dam out past Lakeview.

It was such a beautiful day that I took a walk down to the pond to play with my NEW CAMERA and I had to let Tess chase some sticks in the water (one of her favorite things)....Loved this photo.

I let the horse roam around in the yard all afternoon and the goats got to bask in the sun.....I packed away all the heavy heavy winter things...if it's cold now, I'll just have to layer... and I got all of my spring/summer stuff out and washed it...raised all the windows in the house and let the wind blow thru! Ah....Spring !!!

I am playing a photo game with some of my friends and a group of their's color week...every week we take photos of different colors...week one was Hot Pink...Week 2 is Bright Yellow...It's amazing how many places you start seeing these colors when you are "keeping an eye out" for them. Yesterday, I was wishing I had taken my camera to the races because they had all those colorful jockey silks...and the horse called Prom Shoes had Hot Pink silks.......alas, I didn't get that shot....NEXT TIME I WILL.....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wiped Out

Man, has this been a week... It has just seemed like there was not enough time to get everything done. Part of it is the "change" and part of it is that I've had a million places to be other than my office this week....but tomorrow is Friday and I plan to get everything on my to-do list done. (Lofty goals....)

Tomorrow night we're going to dinner with Matt and Betty as an early birthday celebration for Betty....I think we're going to Gaston's....I've never been and I've wanted to try it....I'm looking forward to it.

It's going to be a horsey weekend...we are going to Oaklawn on Saturday to the Horse Races and on Sunday we are going to look at a horse for George.....

So the weekend is all mapped out with a lot of driving involved....I can get some reading done there :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hot Pink

I joined a photo challenge with my friend Kim. Each week we are photographing a different color. A photo for each day, a different color every week. This week I'm at a disadvantage, because my camera just isn't up to par, but that will change this weekend :-)....I'm getting a new one this weekend (I think). Another disadvantage is that I don't know how to take good pictures, but I'm hoping to I joined the group. Kim is very encouraging to those of us with less skill so I'm not worried about being the worst photographer in the doesn't matter as long as I have fun doing it.

This week our color is Hot Pink. I thought...great what will I find to photograph that is hot it turns out....I've got a Princess blanket with hot pink crowns...a hot pink sharpie...a Princess thank you card from Olivia, a Princess wand (amazing how everything princess has hot pink on it somewhere), a hot pink horse feed scoop, a hot pink storage box and a photo frame with a frog wearing a hot pink floatie.... Amazing.....I have those photos ready but if something comes along that is better and HOT PINK before Saturday is over I can always change my mind.

I'm looking forward to finding out what next week's color will be.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Shall we dance

George and I are going to rock the next dance we go to... we are taking a ballroom dance class and learning to do the Swing. Class was fun...the instructor was really interesting and makes it look easy...and it is easy when you dance with him...even when I'm making the wrong steps he still kept me moving in the right direction...George and I are going to get it! We tried to practice after class tonight but Tess wasn't having any of that...she stood between us and raised a real ruckus....she almost never barks..but she sure had it going tonight. Wonder how we'll ever get our practice in....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Naming of the Pygmie Goats

The epitome of stubborn.... meet've seen her in my blog before....but Aggie has developed a real "personality" lately. After Ninnie came to live with us, Aggie wasn't the smallest or the "new girl" anymore...and she became quite the bully...she's jealous of any attention Ninnie gets (and Ninnie is a pet and loves people), so she gets closer and even lets you pet her now...but STUBBORN!!!!

Here's a little shot of Ninnie...She has the coolest face.

I've named all of the new goats now. Here's a photo of little Ben. He has no qualms about joining the big girls for dinner. The good thing about these goats is that they don't really pick on the babies....they let them get away with a lot....if Ben was a big goat, and new to the herd, he wouldn't be able to get in there so easily.

Here they all are...lined up to eat dinner. From Left to Right they are: Jerry, Ben, Carrie, Hattie, Cate....the rest are regular sized goats...Annie, the next one in line is our smallest boer goat..she's really still a kid.

Ben is the smallest of the new babies and don't you just love that little face. So sweet...I love baby goats!

This is Hattie & Carrie. Carrie is the baby and Hattie the mom...aren't they interesting looking....I keep thinking of Benji when I see them... Little Carrie has some baby horns and she's such an energetic little thing bouncing around and hanging close to mom. George was calling her Sponge Bouncy in stead of SpongeBob today so I had to get her named so he would stop calling her Sponge Bouncy.