Sunday, November 9, 2008

I love Ron White

Ok, I think I love Ron feelings might be based on the fact that I'm bone weary tired and I'm again bone weary tired.... but tonight, he's so funny....tacky but so funny.

You might remember tha I'm cleaning my house very thoroughly right now...I was doing one room a day, however, we have had a very busy week, so today I worked from 6-6 cleaning the house.....I'm done with the downstairs..... yeah! I cleaned, reorganized, threw away,'s a very nice feeling..... I plan to go upstairs this week during the evenings to clean, I'm tired...and Ron White is funny tonight.


Karla Rush said...

Did the ABA guys give you a bottle of wine? How nice!

ncwdust said...

Yes, they did. It was very nice of them.