Monday, November 3, 2008

Time change day!

(This was Saturday morning)

Time changed...Well, it was yesterday...but..... what a day it was for refreshing! I worked my tail off all weekend... testing,studying and testing again(didn't do great the second time)....but....I still have an A...will probalby end up with a B. Good news was...I got first place in my simulation game for my class....way better than I expected....

Anyway.... after testing and going to Ash Flat to Wal-Mart for supplies....I started this huge cleaning will be ongoing thing for a while...I'm mass cleaning one room at a time...I started with our bedroom....and it took all to bottom, drawers, closets, moved the bed out, cleaned the blinds.... it's a lovely room again..... I also cleaned the stairway and upstairs hall (tons of pictures to dust).....anyway....I was so tired that I used my extra hour to sleep last night...went to bed early to relax....but it's so nice to start cleaning the house and getting that caught up....I still have homework but I'm so far ahead that it is no big deal.

After looking at this week's schedule, It will be next week before the cleaning ends has begun....I've already got 1 tub for goodwill.....and I have room for more shoes now ;-)


Unknown said...

I SO need to do the deep cleaning thing! Seriously the dust bunnies are taking over and I must get the spiderweb decorations down for goodnes sake! Halloween is over already!

Congrats on being numero uno!!!

Karla Rush said...

I am glad to see you got recognition for all the hard work you did on the project in class!

I think you should write a book on how you stay so motivated to get so much accomplished...

ncwdust said...

It would be a short book...I'm just an obsessive freak!