I have tromped around on the ice this morning to feed and water the goats, dogs and the horse...broken ice on their water and gave the horse some warm water, rode the 4-wheeler to the hay shed and got fresh hay for them and then broke the waterhose because it was frozen.... I was trying to put it under the house(which is probably warmer than in my house...my central heat unit is under there!) so it would thaw....apprently it didn't drain good on Sunday....UGH!
Tess is my tromping around partner....she goes with me to feed and she rode the 4-wheeler with me too...until I put 2 bales of hay on it, then she decided it was too crowded and ran....she was so funny....she was having some traction issues this morning...I was wishing I had my camera when she was sliding around on yard this morning....in the photo she had come to the kitchen to remind me that she hadn't had any breakfast even though the goats, horse and the other dog had!
Isn't she beautiful.
Here's Goldie this morning....She has weathered the icky weather though I have worried about her alot...and I broke the ice on her water 4 times yesterday afternoon and evening....but you know...when I went to feed this morning....she had broken it herself sometime during the night and drank quite a bit of the water. This photo isn't very good....there is a window screen between me and the outdoors at this point.....I didn't have my shoes on so I couldn't go onto the porch.
This is why I couldn't go out on the porch without my shoes on.....
Tess looks so hungry in this photo...Goldie on the other hand looks like she's been well-taken care of. I just went out and put out hay again and added water for our horses and mules. These days are the ones I dread the most but they're pretty few and far-between, thankfully.
Maybe see you at work tomorrow?
Poor Goldie had ice on her coat yesterday and this morning...her bangs had icicles mixed in...I felt so bad for her....
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