This is George and the kids.... Ryan, Russell and Nicole. We really enjoy getting to have all the kids together.
Here, George decided to tell me all the things on his wish list...too bad it was the night before Christmas when all the shops were closed!
This is just a portion of all the Christmas goodies. We had a huge mess when opening of gifts was over.
This is the turkey and the turkey chef (you can decide which is which...haha) that we enjoyed on Chrismas day! It was soo goooood! George tried a new fried turkey recipe that included injecting the turkey with an onion and cajun was really good.
This is the pie that didn't get eaten....but isn't it lovely....I think it's the prettiest pumpkin pie that I've made.
It was a great Christmas holiday! I have had more attention, friendship, and love from the people in my life this year! I have achieved more, fulfilled my dreams and had received things that I have wanted forever..... This has been a year to be remembered thanks to my family, friends and most importantly, my George.
sounds like you are happy - and it is much deserved my friend!
May 2009 be as prosperous and happy.
Merry Christmas!p
Awh..I loved reading your Merry Christmas post. It seems as if you have the world by the tail. I am so glad you have come into my life this past few years and I look forward to seeing your new goals (which you will no doubt accomplish) in the new year! Happy 2009...
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